Argentina’s untouched Patagonia rivers offer a unique opportunity for the discriminating fly fishermen.
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
-Henry David Thoreau-
For a dove hunting experience of a lifetime, consider joining us for Wings Hot-Barreled Dove Shoot in Argentina!
If you've had interest in hunting ducks & geese in Canada, we have an excellent solution for you!
Never miss out on Wings upcoming travel adventures to the world's best hunting destinations!
Burning your fingers on your shotgun barrel indicates you're having a pretty good shoot. Burn yours dove hunting in Argentina!
An African safari offers the opportunity to hunt a variety of species for less than the price of an Alaskan brown bear hunt.
Imagine the American West as it must have been 80 years ago. This visual in your mind's eye is bird hunting in Argentina today!
"The best goose hunting in the world," Don Terrell, owner Wings, Inc., while goose hunting in the uplands of Argentina.
Perdiz, Argentina's unique breed of flushing bird, offer one heck of an exciting game bird hunting experience!
Adventure travel to South Africa, not just to shoot guineas, francolin, quail and pigeons but to discover her eternal ebb and flow of life.